How to Create a 7 Figure Funnel in 14 Days

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The idea of a 7-figure funnel is super enticing.

But doing the actual work? That takes time, energy, and commitment on your part.

Let me tell you that unless you stick around long enough, you’ll never get it right.

In this video, I want to show you how to create a highly profitable funnel based on my personal experience. (Over the years, I’ve had various funnels that made 7 or 8 figures in sales).

To give you a clear demonstration, I’m going to cite my latest funnel, Retargeting Machine, as an example.

Here are the things I cover in the video:

  • Having the ROI to scale your business
  • The hook/angle you use to present your offer
  • Split testing to optimize your funnel
  • Considering your audience’s needs and objections
  • Making sure that your sales page has everything
  • The email sequence I use to promote my offer
  • How I grab attention with my Facebook ad

Watch it and let me know what you think in the comments section below. Are you currently working on a funnel? I would love to know more about it too.


Today I’m going to show you how to create a seven figure funnel in roughly 14 days could also be 21 days, doesn’t really matter, but in just a couple of weeks, max, right. So just in case we haven’t met before, my name is Wilco de Kreij, I’ve got various funnels that have got seven or eight figures in sales. And I just created a new funnel, actually we’re about to release it, which I’m 100% confident, we’re going to hit the 7 million mark,

not within that 7-day, 14-day period, but over the total time span, right, but we are creating it in just a couple of weeks. Now, what I’m going to do today is give you a little bit of behind the scenes, this video is much more of a raw video. I haven’t fully prepared, just gonna, you know, basically as if you were here, and he’s going to take you by the hand and start talking about what did we actually do? What have we done? So yes, I would be going back and forth about all kinds of details, but I won’t be holding anything back. I’m just going to spill the beans about you know what it all takes. So this will be a longer episode. It will be a bit more in depth,

but it will be fun as well. Sounds good?

All right. Let’s do it. So What does it take to…? That’s a good question too, what is it like seven figure funnel? What does it even mean? Like it means I want a funnel that gets more than a million dollars in revenue. Does that mean profit? Of course not. But how do you actually get there? Right? What does it actually need to be? What do you need to have in order to even do that, right? Obviously, you need to have a good product or service that people actually want to buy, right? Like you, if you don’t have a product, you need to start out with a product like something that people actually want. Like, you should deliver a certain result, you should solve a certain problem, right? If you’re online, like I wanna make money like, forget that, but you want to provide epic value, right? But assume that you have gotten that in place. What else do you need? Well, I would say, if I want to hit… if you want to create a fund that does seven figures, in sales, you need scale, right? You need something that actually scales. So what does that mean? Right, it means that you can afford to promote it, you can afford to spend money on it right like because if you only wanna focus on free traffic?

And yes, there’s awesome ways to get free traffic. I mean, we all know hopefully, if you’re not sure to check it out UpViral is like… it’s a great way to build your list for free. But like if you want to have something pushing you to continue to continually, it’s also you want to have multiple things in place to promote it. And what that means is ideally, like in my personal case, I also want to leverage, for example, things like Facebook ads, and YouTube ads, and what’s needed to do what is needed, you need to have a good ROI, right? And that means it’s very much money in versus money out, right. And in order to do that, it means that like, if let’s say you spend $100 right here, you put $100 inside your Facebook ads, and you get back, like $50 you are not going to actually make a profit, right? If you for example, get $100 in and you get $125 out then, actually, you’re still not going to get it right. Because like if you spent $100, you get $125. At one thing you should know, when you’re running ads, as you start to spend more like instead of spending, you start, instead of spending $100, you start spending, for example, $10,000 a day or for example, your ROI will actually go down, right, you will get a lower ROI. So it’s important to actually, initially when you get started, you need to have quite a bit of an ROI. Like ideally, one of the dollars would give you like, $300 back out right, then like, if I hit 1 to 3, I can scale it.

And even at scale, if it’s like 1 to 2, still good to go, right? I am happy to spend like a couple hundred thousand to get twice the amount of money back, right. So with that in mind, what we need to do is and this is something that some people forget, like we need something that actually converts right? How do we do that as obviously copywriting is important. But it’s actually not the most important thing I would say the thing I spent most of my time on? Is the hook. The angle, what is the hook, the angle Wilco? Well, it’s basically the way I think is a good way to explain it is whatever, How do you explain your product or service like and if that is an -ER offer? That is not good

Right? What do we mean with that -ER offer? If you’re basically saying like, well, like maybe you are a web hosting company and why should people buy your product? What’s the reason? Why should they buy your product? Usually, “It’s a lot cheaper…” -ER; “It’s faster than the competitors…” -ER. What that is, it’s an improvement offer and improves something better than the current situation, right? And it’s and if that’s the case, if it’s an improvement offer, it’s not as sexy, it’s not … some people will buy, right. But in order to get this , this massive ROI, right, you need not just to get some people over the edge. You need to be so exciting that people are like, wow, this is a new opportunity. Right? It’s a massive new opportunity. new opportunity. Right? So people want to jump on board, right? And as long as you say like, Oh, it’s a new, it’s an improvement offer. It’s cheaper, better, faster, whatever. Like it’s not that exciting to upgrade from what they’re currently using, right? But if instead of saying like, let’s compare that to like if we’re talking about a web host, a global web hosting before right and there was WordPress and all that and then all the funnel pages came along – Click Funnels, No, they didn’t say hey, we’re better WordPress hosting or like better page builder. No, we take you to the new opportunity.

Like you don’t want to build a website, you want to create a funnel, right? They could have said it’s a website because it is a website right? But they explain it differently. It’s about the hook the angle. Their hook and angle is like “Hey, it’s funnels right. the website is old, the new opportunity is funnelled right. And this is really important. So I spent a lot of time working on this on what is the hook the angle To actually, like, what’s the old situation? That people currently have all the problems or whatever, VS the new situation, right? So where was I? Creating a seven figure funnel, what does that all mean? So, in my case, I already have products right? We have various products, I’m not sure if you’re familiar, I have two businesses. One being UpViral, the other one being ConnectIO. Now, I don’t want this to be about my businesses. This is not a promotional video or episode, I just want to share some background and just again, start talking out loud. So just in case, just you know, UpViral that’s a viral lead generation tool. So if you want to grow your list, awesome, you need to use UpVral. If you’re running Facebook ads, you need to use ConnectIO, right. There’s various tools inside the ConnectIO platform that will help you get a higher ROI. So that’s ConnectRetarget, ConnectLeads, ConnectExplore, etcetera

Now, recently, I was looking at my products and services, right? And I was like, Alright, do I want to create a new funnel new offer a new hook or angle right. And sometimes you, it’s not easy to come up with a new hook or a new angle, right? Sometimes you have your product. It’s like, how do you come up with it? And one good way, what you sometimes can do is look at your product, like let’s say this is your product, right? And ask yourself like, what is the problem? Like, what? Who’s getting access to that? Let me, I’ll use an example of a specific example. Like for example, when my product is called ConnectRetarget. Right, and it helps people to run higher ROI retargeting campaigns, it makes sure that you can run behavioral retargeting ads on Facebook. So for example, people who scroll down on a website, only those people will see your ad which will give you a much higher ROI. Again, it’s not about the product, I don’t want this to be a promotional video, but who am I selling that to? Right? I’m selling that to people who are running retargeting ads, because if you’re not really running retargeting ads on Facebook, then you’re not my potential client because you know, it’s not a good fit. Because if you need to run retargeting ads to get value from this, so right Now I was thinking of this specific product like how do I create a new hook or angle I was like, right I’m selling towards people who are running retargeting ads.

Or people who are at least running Facebook ads maybe like they’re running Facebook ads maybe they haven’t set up their retargeting ad yet. So I figured, you know what? Sometimes instead of creating a new hook or angle, what you can do is you create a new front-end offer, what is that called? So this is basically an offer that you put in front of your main offer, right? So usually, this is a cheaper price, just to start a relationship with new clients. You’ve probably seen this many times where people talk about the funnel ladder where they draw something like this, like Russell Brunson is very known for doing that, where it’s like hey, you have a cheap product like for example a… could be $7 product or like or 47 doesn’t matter. And like got a $97 and then like $300, and this could be whatever could also be that you have like, maybe this is like a $70 and this is like a $9,000 and this is like a $3,000 and $25,000 like price doesn’t matter, but recently there’s like a stepping stone where people can go to the value ladder, right? They start slow, they start low and lower offers, then just increase, right. So I recently figured you know what, for ConnectRetarget, I’m actually going to do a front end offer as well, right? I’m going to create a product that will help people get more results using retargeting. And then by the end of the product, it will make sense to then use ConnectRetarget as well.

So for me, in my particular case, what that meant, I wanted to make sure like one of the things you need if you’re using ConnectRetarget. One of the things you need to do, I’ll go back one step again, this is just an experimental video of just doing it as if you’re here in my room right here. One of the things that I asked myself was like what are all the problems people have to use ConnectRetarget and this is something you can ask yourself as well like what do my customers have to do to get value from my product? Because usually, your client will have to do multiple things to get value from your product, right? Doesn’t matter what your product is like. Even Netflix, Netflix solves a problem of boredom, right? Like they entertain people, but you need to have a TV to actually be able to watch it or at least a device. And maybe that was the reason why they started using, and creating mobile apps and all that to make sure that even if you don’t have TV, you can still watch it right. So ask yourself for your product, what are all the things that people need to have in place to get value from it? And in this case, ConnectRetarget one of the things that people need to have in place is the retargeting ads, like what do people actually see on their Facebook timeline? You know, the ad copy, basically, an ad copy is not easy. It’s hard, right? You need to be creative and like what’s gonna work it takes time. It is not fun for most businesses.

So I figured you know what, that’s a problem that I can solve. Right? And I could just add it as a bonus inside ConnectRetarget. That’s a good strategy. Nothing wrong with that like, hey, there’s an objection people – before they buy ConnectRetarget maybe they ask themselves like, hey, but I need to write retargeting ads. So as a bonus, I add in a training on how to write good ad copy. Cool. I could have done that. What I’ve done in this case actually created a front end product. We’re working on it as we speak. I call it the Retargeting Machine. Hmm, I should learn to write better, but it says retargeting machine. Apologies for that. So now by having this front end product, which is all about how to write high converting Facebook retargeting ads, right? And then after once people have bought that, then I can tell people like, hey, by the way, next to my value ladder, like if now you have the right ads. But if you want to improve your ROI further, you shouldn’t target everyone on your website, you should only target people who’ve actually engaged in your website and you can do that using ConnectRetarget right. And the reason why I’m doing it like that, instead of just adding the bonus right here, like a simple math thing, right. So let’s say, if you want to promote people and get people access to your product and you’re running Facebook ads into that right, Facebook ads into your $500 product, you need to spend a lot of money before you actually know whether it’s going to work and only one in a lot of people, like a low percentage actually gonna make a purchase, right?

So you’re missing out on like 99% of customers… of people give or take just as an example, right? So, instead, what you can do is you can actually, like, instead of, it’s all in one package is all or nothing. What what works really well is like, instead of doing that, you do something like, for example, maybe initially, it’s like $50, and then like, there’s an upsell for like, hey, if you want to do more, it’s like 300 and maybe after that there’s even a product for like, $1,000 right? I should really write better. I’m sorry for that. So $50, $300, $1000. Now what’s gonna happen? It’s like a lot more people, like this is much easier to actually make a purchase on, right? It’s much easier, like more people are going to do that.

So let’s say you get 100 people there. And obviously, not everyone is going to make this purchase, maybe 10% of people are going to make that purchase. So that’s like 10 people right here. And then maybe like 3 people are going to make that purchase, right? So I’m just doing the math from the top of my head. So this is like 50 times… that will be $5,000. This is $3,000. And here’s another $3000. So now you have a total of $11,000 from those 100 customers, so that is $110. LTV, right. And this is important, right?

So we went from like we’re selling a $50 product, and yet our LTV (Lifetime Value), lifetime like but at least at the moment of purchase is $110. Right. Why is that important? Right, because even though we’re selling a $50 item, right, we’re selling a $50 item on Facebook, like using our Facebook ads, we can just look and literally, for example spend $80 on ads to get someone to buy a $50 product. So we are able to spend a lot more, we can win from other advertisers, we can have a bigger reach, because we’re able to afford that. Because even if we spent $80, on average, we’re still making money, right? And the trick isn’t just to like, have like some upsells. The trick is really to start tweaking your funnel, right. And we do this a lot, we run a lot of split tests.

So when we create a page, it’s not like we just create one page, we actually create, for example, two or three pages, and then we start testing like hey, which page is actually converting best, like maybe this is not the winner, but maybe the other one that’s the winner right? And then we promote that to be actually the actual winner that we start running. So now instead of for example, having Let’s say it’s a webinar registration page or something like that, instead of having a conversion rate of like 18%, all the sudden, it’s like 26%, right? Which is obviously a lot better, right? Same thing on the upsells as well, like, let’s say, you sell something right here. You sell something right here. And then here’s an upsell. I call that an OTO. A One Time Offer, right?

If you can get that to go from like 6% to 8%. That’s a huge win. That is a huge win. You might think, well, that’s not a big deal. That’s a huge win. Right? That’s a third extra one third. So by doing these kind of experiments, we’re doing these kinds of tests by optimizing the funnel. We’re allowing ourselves to spend more on ads. And that’s really how we win because yes, we can spend a lot of time on trying to get our ad costs to go down on Facebook, but there’s a limit to how much we can do. how far we can bring that down, right? Like if we’re looking at like, in and out, right, like, how much do we put into Facebook and how much do we get out? Like, there’s no way we can get our ad costs to go to zero dollars, right? That’s just not possible because Facebook wants to have a business as well.

But there’s basically no limit. Virtually no limit to how much we can get from a client, right? I’m not saying that, obviously, there is a limit. But like, there’s no hard cap, right? Some people might be willing to spend $1 per lead, while someone else in the industry might be able to spend $20 per lead and still have a profit because they know, like they solve their problems, their customers’ problem better and they are able to charge for it.

Right. So a big part of this whole funnel setup is in math and I know that’s kind of boring, but it’s really about, first of all, having a good offer and a good hook. Right Well, what is the new opportunity? But then, as part of that, also, it’s the math behind it, like, how do we increase the likelihood of being able to get a good ROI? And that goes to like, having a good funnel, right? And having a good angle, but also like, start optimizing each step of the way. Like, what’s the best converting landing page? How do we change the video so that we get better? We get a higher percentage of people to promote, how can we send better email signatures? Because obviously, like if we and I know I go from one thing to the other, I totally apologize. But like, let’s say someone actually makes a purchase. And then we actually go to upsell the OTO one, for example, like, we’re not just sending them to the email, but to the page. We might also send them like follow up emails as well, like, hey, by the way, today, you can still get access. Again, this email is something we might test to see like, hey, this if we do it with a particular headline, we actually get a much better open rate and the other one doesn’t work at all. Boom! So from now on, we promote that. So we do all these changes in all these different places over time, it will be much easier, right?

So maybe initially, I just told you about the money in versus money out, I told you 1 to 3 is perfect. Actually, I’ve been lying a little bit because I know if I start a new funnel, right, if I start a brand new funnel, and if I spend $1 to get $1 out, I’m a happy kid, I’m like, I know I can scale that right? Or even if it’s, if it’s not $1, it’s slightly below like 0.8 or 0.9. Right? And yes, this is going to require work. It’s not going to be easy. But I know that if this is a starting point, $1 in $1 out, I can make it work, because that’s where the beauty starts. That’s where we start optimizing, tweaking. And is that a lot of work? Yes, it’s a lot of work. Right? And this is a thing where a lot of people go wrong, like they don’t put in the effort and don’t put in the time, and I get that I totally get actually I want to share a story of like, the first time I cracked this code, I remember it was couple of years ago, I was actually in Russell Bronson’s inner circle. It’s a group of people all doing extremely well. This was a couple of years ago, right? It was a $25,000 mastermind. We flew out to Boise in the US every once in a while. And I remember like back then I was still trying to get more results with Facebook ads. I’m just getting some results. Not quite right. And I remember I was trying all kinds of different ad campaigns. So first of all, was the Facebook ad towards a sales page like a sales page, and I tried Facebook ads towards the basically Jeff Walker style video sequence like, after they opted in, they would get three days of videos. And then after that, I would make an offer like I’ve tried all, did not work.

I also tried the webinar like I had people sign up for a webinar, right, enter their name, email address, and then I did a live webinar. Sorry for the writing but I did a webinar. Like even that did not work, right. So at some point I was a mastermind at that group, and I was talking to those people and they were doing way better than me. Their business was like four or five times better. And I was there. I was thinking like, what? Like, I don’t mean this the wrong way. This sounds like a douchebag thing to think. But I thought, I was like, if you can do it, I can do it because you’re not that much smarter than me. So if you can do it, I can do it. Right. And I started listening to what they were doing. A lot of them were doing this automated webinar funnel, right, or just live webinar funnel. I was like, Wait a second. I’ve been trying this – didn’t work. Right. So I tried it again.

Didn’t work. I went back to the group like crap didn’t work. They told me no, it works. Keep doing it. I went back. Tried it again. did not work. Lost money. didn’t work. I went back, dude. Like, it’s not working. No, it’s working. Do it again. I don’t know when it started working, but it was like the fifth or sixth attempt. Something like that, with months and months of struggling and wasting money. And really the reason why I’m sharing that is because it didn’t work for me at all. But because I had people around me who gave me the confidence to keep going, right. And that’s, that’s the hard thing sometimes. Because sometimes you’ll see, you’ll have an idea and you’re confident that it will work and you try it out and it doesn’t work. And then you’re like crap, it doesn’t work, you need to try something different. And sometimes, that’s the right thing to do. Sometimes it’s the right thing to do to drop an idea and let it go. Try something else, right. But sometimes you just need to hang in there and just keep on going. When? When do you decide what that is when you decide whether it’s good or not? Like, whatever, it’s something to stick around and just keep on going with or not. And I think that’s it’s personal for everyone. What works for me is… if I see it’s working for someone else, then I can do it as well. And ideally, I want to see at least two people do the same thing. Like if I see two people do sort of funnel and it’s working for them and I see a lot of Like, I see it’s working for them then I know it’s possible. And I know we can do it as well. If I have a new idea, a new funnel, and I haven’t seen anyone do it, then I know like, right. It’s risky, I’m going to try it out, I’ll give my best shot, maybe make a couple tweaks. If it doesn’t work, let it go. Like it’s not working, right.

So, for example, these days, you see a lot of free plus shipping books, right? And whatever your opinion is, like on that, like some people say like a free plus shipping is like it’s free, but it’s not really free. So make up your mind, right. But whatever your pain is, doesn’t really matter. Like the fact is that I see a lot of people run it, and they keep doing it, which tells me it’s working. Like if they read a book, they put a lot of time and effort into it. And they do it again a year later, a new book tells me it’s working for them, right. So now we know it’s working. So now I’m like, right, we need to crack that code to do it as well. Right? And if I do that, and if I launch my first free plus shipping book, which I am planning on, I know it’s not going to work right away. No, it’s going to be slow I know it’s going to take time. But then again, we start testing, we create a sales page, we create multiple variations. There’s an upsell after it, right? The upsell will have multiple variations, and we’ll figure it out. And maybe it actually doesn’t work at all. And we’re like, go for something completely different product, different price, right? So it’s about that process, right?

I’m sharing a lot of different things. Apologies for that. So going back to how to create a seven figure funnel in 14 days. So what I’ve done, instead of like alright ConnectRetarget is a product we sell. I already have that product, which is awesome. customers are using it. It’s amazing. But like one of the problems we’ll have people need to create retargeting ads. So I’m going to create a product called retargeting machine as a front end product, right?

But what is actually physically needed to get this all in place, right? And I might go a little bit fast, so you might need to take notes. First thing I had to do, I need to come up with the hook and the angle, like, what is the product going to be, this is a lot of brainstorming? I’ll just use my iPad, make sketches, make notes of like, what it would actually be. Once I formulated it, I was like, great. So what is it actually going to be? The first thing I do is I write the sales video. Why? Because it forces me to really think about what are the objections people have. So a sales video usually follows a specific script, right? Tell or start off with the hook or the angle or like I grab the attention. And then I start off, like, why did I create that product? Right? I talked about the problem we will solve. I’ll talk about the solution we’ll have. I’ll talk about why it works so well. I’ll share some stats about it, that it actually works well. And, but also, it forces me to really think about what my audience actually needs? What do they actually want? What are the objections people might have, right? Because if they have an objection, it’s too expensive. Or like, I need to do this or I cannot do that.

Like if they’re having objections then they’re not going to buy. So I want to make sure that I overcome that. And the reason why I’m doing a sales video first, because I will be able to list all the objections that people have. And then I can also craft my training program better to match that, right? So first step, I create a sales video. And actually, I need to create multiple sales videos, I need to have the main sales video, right. But in case you do an upsell, you want to do that as well. Like, I personally do a video because that is the easiest way for me. Some people prefer text totally fine, right? So that’s first, then creating the actual training program. Right? So then basically, the way I create my training program is like, I started to think of it like that, like, Where are people currently at? Current situation? Where do we want to bring them?

So currently, they might run retargeting ads, or they haven’t run retargeting ads, but they’re not doing it the best way possible. And here, they’re running retargeting ads that are created to convert, right? How do I bring them there, what are all the steps that I need to do? Right? Could be like, you know, they need to create a… they need to install a pixel to their site. They need to understand the business in order to understand the audience, right? Because if you don’t understand your audience, it’s hard to write good ads, right? They need to write Facebook ads.

They need to create videos, create video and create images and create their campaign. Again, apologies for the writing. So there’s a lot of things I need to do. I sort of map that out in my mind. And I’m gonna use it to actually make a mind map. literally. So there will be like, so step one is this… I just create all the things you need to do. Step one is like what are all the things you need to do. Boom. And that helped me to just put things in mind and initially, it’s a very messy process because there’s like, you need to do this, you need to do that, it’s all over the place. But as it starts to develop it’ll become more clear and everyone has their own preferred way of teaching. Some people prefer to do it like that with a whiteboard. Some people prefer to do it in PowerPoint, some people just prefer to do something completely different. That’s totally fine whatever you’re comfortable with. But the first thing I do is like prepare all the content to see like hey, how can we structure everything but then also what I do is like I’m not just thinking about like, what are all the steps you have to take to to get here to have a highly profitable retargeting campaign set up for the business. Right? That’s not the only thing I want to do. I want to make sure to get in there as fast as possible right because everyone could do this right? But I want to make sure you do it better than anyone else right. So what can I improve for them? What can I take away? What can I do for them? Right? So right the Facebook ads perhaps not perhaps we actually did that, like this part like we’ve created develop, but based on what we know works, our best converting Facebook ad templates, fill in the blank templates, right? Not one or two, but like a whole bunch of them that they can just pick their work in any industry, right? Boom, right? Same here like the campaign, there’s so much stuff that you can think about setting up a Facebook campaign, like what’s the budget? What’s the optimization? What’s the role? All these things, we’ve been testing a lot of different things. I know exactly what’s working best for retargeting. So I gave them all that in the course, like, Hey, don’t try all these things. This is what you do. This is what’s working best. This is your budget. This is how you set it up. This is like just… I’ll show them on my screen. So all these things I’m trying to condense it right. So now I’ve got my sales video, got it scripted. I’ve mapped out my training on what I want to teach, I will create a training and obviously I need to set up a sales page but you can do things like using Clickfunnels or WordPress, it doesn’t really matter right? What else?

I need to create a logo – had to hire someone to create a logo because you want to make sure it looks really really good right? impression is everything, especially with marketing What else? You want to make sure on your sales page, you have your privacy policy, your terms of service, and all those kind of things. That’s obviously important if you want to run Facebook ads towards it. I’m just trying to think about what else we did to actually create it. To put it together and obviously you want to also, like if you already have an audience, you want to do an offer, like you want to use your email list as well like, even though our goal with this new funnel is to run ads to it.

Initially, we’re going to run to our existing audience as well. So what do you do to promote it to your existing audience? Right, like, so what we do we’ll actually have a series of emails that we send out to promote it, right. So these are all emails, right? And typically what we do what works really well, just in case, and while we’re on the topic, and we’re sharing a lot of stuff, what works really well with emails is like, usually the first thing that would be something like we talked about the opportunity that it actually has, right, the opportunity, right, and then we would probably do something like social proof. So we will have email where people who’ve already used this to prove that it actually works. we would cover their objections. Like if there’s any objections, which would be, for example, FAQ email, or it’s like, hey, you’re going to any questions like any questions we get from support, like people asking, Hey, but there’s also work in this industry. We have FAQ, yes, I’ve worked in that industry like, so we’ll go to FAQ.

And then we’ll have, if we promote it the first time, we’ll have a special offer for our own audience so that their own customers, they have the benefit of you know, being on our email list. So we’ll close that down. And we’ll do that usually with multiple emails on one day. So we said like, hey, today is actually the last day you can get it at a discount. So you can grab it, grab it today. So if you’re watching this video, and you’re on my list, you may have seen even these emails or you are going to see this email. I’m not sure when this video that I’m currently recording is going to be released yet. I’m literally just talking about it’s probably my longest solo content video with which it was the most chaotic.

So if you are like me, sometimes it’s a bit chaotic. Drop it in the comments, I’d really appreciate that. So what else obviously, we always go all in like I want to make sure that whoever gets our product, we over deliver. So yes. But besides these training, what we also do is we create all kinds of resources, like PDFs, and just things to make it super easy. What else? Oh, yeah. Another good tip for you, obviously, when you do run Facebook ads, or YouTube ads, right? So one good tip for you there as well. So what about what I need to do is, well, I’ll be shooting multiple video ads, right? It’s not like, Hey, I’m just going to create one ad. And that’s going to work we need to try out multiple things. Now, here’s a cool tip for you if you’re running any video ads on Facebook. I remember a couple while ago, I had a call with someone from facebook ads, my Facebook ads account manager, I was like, hey, like you want to go through your account. They said to me, like Sure, let’s walk through the account. And I didn’t really expect much to be honest. I remember him asking so hey, do you know the average time people watch your video and at that point, I thought my ads were crushing it because of my videos. My videos are like three or four minutes long, which usually is my sweet spot, and I had no clue. I had no idea and The average watch time was six seconds. So on average from three, four minutes video, the average watch time is six seconds, which meant that some people were watching the video for a long time, a lot of people were watching for like a couple of seconds. And that told me like, wow, like, instead of creating a lot of different Facebook ads, what I used to do before that I created like 5,6,7 different ads, which takes a lot of time.

So then what I started doing is I’m just gonna create one main ad, but I have like a quick 10, 20 seconds introduction, how I grabbed the attention, like, and I make sure I grabbed the attention and I stopped talking for a moment. And then I can continue with this part, like I’ll do this. And then I’ll just record multiple of the introduction, because the first couple of seconds is going to matter most right? Because after that, that’s going to grab the attention and that’s usually how I test my ads. I just create like a bunch of different introductions which are like 10 seconds long. And then the main Facebook ad like video where I tell people about, you know, the call to action. The thing that I wanted to do is to sign up for training or anything like that is the same And that’s the easiest way to test a lot of different ads to get more results. Usually you’ll see that a lot of these are not going to work in one or two of those interests are crushing it. Right, so that is how you quickly and more efficiently run ads. So that’s already part of it as well. And that’s basically it.

So in what we’ve actually done this actually, I’ve been talking really fast My apologies for that. But also we’ve created some really fast so we we had the idea like it started out with the idea phase, right? Hey, we want to create a new funnel, we started looking at l ike, hey, what are the problems that people have to join, to use our products, and we create a new front end. So that’s, that’s First of all, we focus on the problem. Then we created a new training on it, we thought about what it would be. We create the sales video, we actually create the training. I recorded all the videos. Right here in the studio. I create the sales page with like to disclaimer and all that we do an email promotion and then we run ads to it, I still need to create those.

And then that’s just to get started, right? And then we’ll have a baseline. And then what we start doing is like the optimization phase is like a continuous line… It’s not even a line, oh, well, that should be a circle, right? So we start testing a landing page, right? We improve it, we pick the new winner, and we just start improving and improving and listening to our audience. Sometimes we’ll hear like, Hey, we really want to have this in this feature, or we want to have this in this thing, or we have this problem. These objections, the reason why we’re not buying, we just iterate, right, and that way, by iterating, we know our conversions will go up. And it will be incredibly easy to start running ads to it right? And the easiest will be then we can actually get scale where we actually get to the point where we get $1 in is $3 back out and then we can just consistently drive traffic to it and once it’s converting Well, it’s not just like ads, like we can run it through our email list that we build up using UpViral.

It’s like when you can use Facebook ads, you can use YouTube ads. We can use affiliate partners we can say like, Hey, you want to promote this offer converts really really well which we know because we tested it and improved it. So they’ll be promoting it. We can push it with content right we can publish it on our blog as like hey, if you want to improve your retargeting like you need to use the retarget machine. Oh and by the way if you want to check out the funnel, I’m not sure if it’s live while you’re watching this, but it is and I highly recommend you to do something which is to go to the funnel right? But then also like check back in like I don’t know like 90 days from now. Odds are you’ll see quite a few changes right because we’re continually testing depending on how much time we put into this. how fast we’re going to make changes but I highly recommend it and this is my, What is it like, 40-minute video of how to create a seven figure funnel.

Do I know to make seven figures yet? No, I don’t know that. But from practice from before, I know it’s very much possible and I’ve all full confidence in it. And it’s not a matter of like, Hey, we’re going to create some and it’s going to be seven figures. It’s a matter of Hey, deciding whether it’s gonna be seven figures, and just putting in the energy putting in the time putting in whatever it needs to do like just like a shirt shared with the webinar funnel like it didn’t work for like first four times, and only the fifth time to work. And that was like, well, well, into seven figures without sharing too many specifics. There’s way more than just seven figures. So a massive opportunity if you do all this, right. Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to do more of these like sharing a lot of different stuff I know for some of you it’s not gonna make a lot of sense for some of you like, Oh, this is awesome. I just figured you to try something new with all of you just sharing whatever I have to Have on my mind and with that having said check it out let me know what you think. Let me know what you think of this video and I will talk to you all soon.