8 Smart and Easy Facebook Marketing Tips

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Have you heard of a business that doesn’t have a Facebook presence yet? Most likely not! Brands all over the world are on social media, and Facebook is no exception.

I’m not here to mention the benefits of marketing on the biggest social media platform. Facebook has over 2.2 billion monthly users. You already know that having a Facebook presence benefits you in many ways. It decreases your marketing costs and helps you gather more business leads.

The reason I’m here is that I want to help solve a common problem that concerns most business owners. It’s about how to market their business in an effective way.

The thing is, there are so many promotional strategies to try that may confuse you. But don’t worry.

I’m sharing with you 8 Facebook marketing tips that are worth adding to your list. We’ve compiled the best ones to give you the best results.

1. Optimize your Facebook business page.

The first and most important thing to do is to optimize your page. Your Facebook business page creates a first impression. You would be surprised to find out that not all businesses optimize their page. Doing so helps you stand out.

Make sure that your page reflects your business.

Upload a clear profile picture.

Use a headshot or close-up photo if you’re a solopreneur. If you own a big company, minimalist logos are great to have. Whichever you choose, your profile picture should have a resolution of at least 180 x 180 pixels.

Get creative with your cover photo.

The ideal size for your Facebook cover photo is 820 x 462. This resolution is best for desktops and smartphones. Check out Hubspot’s pre-sized template for cover photos to guide you.

Choose a cover photo with a color scheme that matches your brand. Cover photos are also a creative way to showcase your products. Edible Arrangements uses their color scheme through displaying their chocolate-covered strawberries.

Do you prefer a video as a cover? If so, showcase a 20-90-second clip of a speaking or engagement event. It could also be a behind-the-scenes moment of your team.

Tony Robbins uses a video for his cover. It shows off his personality. This immediately engages every person who comes across his page.

Add important details to your About section.

People who want to learn more about you read the About section of your business page. Adding details in this section sparks reader engagement and conversions. Details of your business include:

  • Founding date
  • Mission statement
  • Brand story
  • Links to your website
  • Links to other social profiles
  • List of products and services

2. Share and promote sharing.

Anything shared on Facebook means that the shared content matters. Think of sharing as a positive “word-of-mouth.”

Shares endorse your business as trustworthy in front of a wider audience.

Everyone nowadays shares non-stop. People on Facebook are immune to the same messages. This calls for the need to stand out. No longer is it enough to share; it’s more important to know what tactics for getting more content shares work.

Here are 4 ways.

Appeal to their emotions.

A powerful quote or true story that makes people laugh or cry is more likely to generate shares.

Post old-fashioned ecards and memes.

Vintage ecards and memes bring funny sarcasm to serious messages. These posts are the new generation cartoons.

Build connection and raise awareness.

People feel more connected towards a greater cause. They’re drawn to content that conveys awareness to global issues.

Ask for it.

Too often we neglect the most basic way to generate shares which is to ask for them. Don’t just share content that people relate to, include a call-to-action that says “Share it if you think…”

Check out this Facebook post that got almost 2,000 shares.

3. Run a contest.

Launching a Facebook contest is a smart way to get your brand to go viral. Many businesses that used this technique achieved results in a short time. They generated brand awareness, got leads, and increased sales in a short span of time.

Contests help you reach any goal. Think of anything you want to achieve today in your business. That goal can be getting more fans, a traffic boost, or attention to a new product. You name it.

One of the best Facebook contests success stories is that of Nicholas Kusmich. His goal was to sell his ebook “Give: The Ultimate Guide To Using Facebook Advertising to Generate More Leads, More Clients, and Massive ROI.”

At the end of Nicholas’ contest campaign, he sold 6,400 books. The steps he took will inspire you to start your own campaign.

  • Nicholas’ created a great ebook.
  • To get as many contest participants, he used a referral marketing platform – UpViral.
  • UpViral helped Nic give a unique invite link to each contest participant. The person that brought more ebook sales through the unique invite link wins bonuses worth $10,000.
  • By joining the contest, people could take part in a charitable cause. He would donate 100% of the ebook sales to Charity: Water. It’s a non-profit that helps communities that need clean water. (Remember, people want to be part of something greater!)
  • He offered a bonus product worth $197 to every person who buys his ebook.
  • Nic posted about his content to his Facebook group which had over 25,000 members.

4. Shoot live videos.

Video is the winner when it comes to engaging potential customers. Since Facebook Live came in 2016, businesses reaped the benefits of shooting videos in front of billions.

Let’s admit it. People remember videos more. Seeing you move and speak on camera in real-time gives off an authentic vibe.

Below is a screenshot of a good Facebook live video by Richard Ells, founder of the cryptocurrency Electroneum.

In his live video, he shows off their new office and explains more about Electroneum.

To date, the video has 73K views, 559 shares, and 4.1K comments.

As a business owner, there are many ways you can use Facebook live video. You have unlimited options. Here are a few ideas:

Do an interactive Q&A.

On Facebook live, people can ask questions by typing questions you’ll read in real-time. Take this opportunity to resolve their concerns.

It can also be the other way around – you asking questions about what your audience wants. Use the insights you gain to fuel your next marketing campaign.

Broadcast live events.

Live streaming a business event of yours on Facebook is not just a cost-effective option, it also boosts attendance to the same event the next year.

By showcasing a live event, non-attendees will still gain something valuable from you.

Show off your company culture.

Businesses that create a wall between them and their customers tend to be perceived as impersonal.

Customers nowadays expect to interact with a brand at a one-to-one level. They aren’t just interested in your products, they expect to know the people behind them.

Whether you’re having a coffee break or doing team building, let customers see the real you.

5. Retarget your website visitors with ads.

If you are thinking of advertising, then you shouldn’t miss out on Facebook retargeting.

What makes retargeting outperform regular ads by 76% in terms of clicks is that retargeting capitalizes on a previous interaction you already had with your website visitors.

The goal of Facebook retargeting is to bring back those visitors by showing them ads. These ads remind them of you.

But nowadays a lot of businesses use the same method of retargeting. Regular Facebook retargeting aims at everyone who lands on your website. It doesn’t consider how long people stay on your site, whether visitors came from a specific website, or if they scrolled at a certain percentage.

You get good results, but you know you can do way better.

Using a Proven Tool That Changes the Retargeting Experience 

What if you could retarget your website audience on Facebook based very specific behaviors? If you did that, you would sell more and reduce ad spend.

The image above shows that you can retarget to specific audiences using a tool called ConnectRetarget. With ConnectRetarget, you can take advantage of these retargeting options:

  • Time visitors spend on your page
  • Their country or language
  • Referral sources (sites or social media platforms)
  • The exactt date of visit
  • Device people use (mobile, desktop, etc.)

Check out how ConnectRetarget brought more revenue to marketers using Facebook retargeting ads.

6. Join Facebook groups.

Participating in an existing group is a great way to market yourself to people who share the same interest. They provide you with opportunities to network and build meaningful connections.

There are millions of groups on Facebook and surely, you’ll find a group that matches your niche.

To find a group to join, type into the search bar the string “groups of people who like [your topic].” You can also type in any term or phrase that relates to the group you want and click the “Groups” tab.

As you can see, finding groups is simple. It’s the part of figuring out whether a group is a good place to market your business that’s tricky.

Take a look at the group’s description. It’ll give you some idea what the group is all about and will tell you how relevant a group is to your niche.

It’s also good to know how many members the group has and their frequency of posting. Active groups are a great target.

Don’t join multiple groups at the same time. If you do this, it’ll be hard for you to monitor your activity and conversations in a specific group.

To be recognized inside a group, it’s important that you regularly engage in conversations. You’ll begin to familiarize yourself with topics that keep coming up.

Help others by answering their questions in the comments section of a post. You can even ask the opinions of others if you need help with something. You will notice that people are naturally helpful and want to express their ideas.

7. Respond to everyone’s comments.

The irony is that marketers have an active social media presence but lack a strategy for commenting. Yes, it matters to respond whether the comments you receive are positive or negative.

If a person took the time to comment on your post, it means that he is interested in you. Not responding gives the impression that you don’t care much about your customers.

According to Jay Baer of Convince and Convert, “A lack of response is a response. It’s a response that says, ‘We don’t care about you very much.”

Continue the conversation started with your social media followers. Respond to comments and you’ll get more comments. People will love to join in the conversation.

The simple act of responding to comments turns your followers into brand advocates.

Zappos is the perfect example of a company that adopts a strategy for responding to comments. They do so in a personalized way. It makes them look more human and creates meaningful relationships with their fans.

8. Boost your Facebook posts.

Nowadays, organic reach on Facebook is less likely to be attained by businesses. This is especially true if you only have a few followers.

Boosting posts on from your Facebook page is a basic way to increase your reach and visibility in and outside your current circle. It means that your post reaches anyone who may be interested in your business.

When a post is boosted, it occupies a higher spot in people’s Newsfeeds. The total budget you set depends on your preferred audience size for a specific post.

Getting started is easy. All you have to do is pick a previously or recently published post. Click “Boost” at the bottom right part of your post. The image below shows you how to do it.

To get the most out of a post as possible, have a specific goal for that post. You can use “boost post” to raise brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, grow your followers, and increase engagement.

Since boosting your posts is a paid option, you’d want to get maximum results each time. Choose posts that remain to be useful in the long run. These are evergreen posts.

Make sure that your audience gets to really benefit or learn something from them.

Final Thoughts

Facebook is a massive platform to promote your business. These 8 strategies enable you to elicit a positive response from your audience. Implement them starting today and let me know which techniques worked for you!