30 ways to get more Facebook Ads clicks than you ever imagined

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Facebook Ads is one of the most cost effective ways to build awareness and interest in your product. Facebook allows you to tap into its network to find and target ideal pool of customers for you.

Advertisers that have effectively mastered the art of Facebook Ads are enjoying high click through and conversions.

They are able to drive a set of highly targeted and interested audience towards their business on a continuous business.

But not all have the same skills and luck under their belt.

Even after having the right ad, targeting and ample budget- most advertisers can’t seem to get the click-juice from Facebook Ads as the wanted.

So what can you do to make your ad stand out from the others and has a better click through rate (CTR)?

In this article we have listed down 30 ways which can significantly help you increase the CTR on Facebook Ads.

These tips are mostly quick and easy to implement but will go a far way in improving the response on your Facebook Ads.

1 – Change the placement of objects

Mix and play around with the design copy of your ad. Replace and re-organize components in your image. You can also do the same with the text on a page to get a user’s eye to where you want it.


2 – Change colors to ensure primary objects stand out

Are you showcasing your product in an ad? Make sure the background and surrounding colors don’t dim your product down.


3 – Use Eye-Catching Images

80% of your Facebook Ad’s real estate is dominated by image. Choose an image that is eye catching and encourage engagement.


4 – Change text to be appealing to the reader

Replace boring content with something appealing and which motivates towards an action or outcome. Tell the viewer what you want them to do.


5 – Change Targeting

Facebook Ads virtually provides thousands of targeting options. Keep experimenting with different targeting until you find your sweet spot.


6 – Select CTA that is related

Is your CTA button matching the type of campaign your are doing? Your ad for selling a product might look weak when the button say “ Read More” rather than “ Shop Now”.


7 – Change your offer

You have just few seconds of a prospect’s time to grab their attention. Your offer should stand out and be captivating enough for them to check out.


8 – Monitor frequency of your ad

Facebook Ad frequency defines how many times your ad has been viewed by a single person. Even after a frequency of 3+ you have a low CTR, you should seriously consider redesigning your ad or offer.


9 – Optimize based on data in your account

Monitor the performance closely and see what is performing and what’s not. Zero in your high performing ad and audience and shift your budgets there.


10 – Insert an additional CTA in your ad

Try adding another CTA in the image or the body text, which reminds them of checking your offer.


11 – Use Social Proof to your advantage

Facebook Ads comes pre-embedded with social proofs but you can also use your ad image to show your social following.


12 – Add click triggers

Click Triggers as the name says, build more confidence in the prospect to click your link. For example, if you are selling a product click triggers such as “Free Shipping”  and “ Money back guarantee” makes your offer look more promising. Read what Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers has to say about Click Triggers.


13 – Add Urgency

Push your prospects to take action and than too, immediately. Adding limitation or urgency in your offer can lead to instant action on their part.


14 – Leverage loss aversion

People seem to react more to loss based conditions than to positive outcome. Such as saying “Avoid Website Downtime” is more powerful than “ Get a fast website”


15 – Make your headlines super-specific

Headlines attract the most attention in your ad. Keep your headline super-specific and targeted to the cause.


16 – Replace jargon with plain English

Your Facebook Ad is not your landing page. Keep it clean and weed our jargon with plain and simple to understand English.


17 – Test first and second person copy

Regardless of your niche, use multiple variations of your ad copy with first and second person tone. For example;

1st Person – Use our app to get more leads for your business

3rd Person – Top notch app helping businesses globally to gain more leads.

18 – Test negative words in your headline

Similar to loss aversion, adding negative words in your ad can turn clicks on you.


19 – Use scarcity

Use the power of scarcity to your benefit. Show them your product / offer is very limited. This will push them to take action.


20 – Incorporate Video

Videos are catchy are known to deliver better results than image / text ads. Plus it also gives you the ability to deliver more message to your audience than you can via text and images combined.


21 – Remove graphics or images near or touching your CTA

You want to keep that holy CTA button as clear and visible as possible. Ads with overwhelming content or complex imagery might draw off the attention from that button.


22 – Show multiple high-quality product images

Use the Carousel Ad to your benefit. Showcase multiple images of your product (s) to build interest.


23 – Add a discount sticker on your products

Are you giving away a discount on your product? Rather than mentioning in the body text, add small discount sticker in the ad image.


24 – Use photos of real people

Rather than the stock photo, try using photo of real persons. This helps build trust among potential customers and give them a reason to see what you have to offer.


25 – End your prices in “7” and “9”

Prices ending in “7” or “9” experience better results than any other pricing structure. Play around with the combination of “7” or “ 9” to increase your CTR.


26 – Use multiple creatives

Do you know you can combine image and video ads into one?  Use multiple creatives to drive attention and engagement on your ad.


27 – Test multiple variations of your ad

A/B test different variations of your overall ad. This can include changing the image, body text to overall offer.


28 – Change placement of your ad

Facebook Ads enables you to show your ads on different places. Monitor which location is giving you the better CTR and replace / organize your ads as necessary.


29 – Optimize your bids for clicks and engagements

Optimize your bidding for the type of results you are seeking. For example, if your advertising objective is get more Link Clicks, an optimized CPM bid will be shown to people who are more likely to click your links.


30 – Run ad when its gets the most clicks

Find the sweet spot time of day when your ad gets more click. Switch off other time and put your budget on you high CTR time.

These are the most effective tips when it comes to increasing the click-through and engagement on your ads.

And most of them are quick to implement and test.

Do you have any tip of your own you like to share with us?