How Sam Ovens Used Facebook Ads To Build An 8-Figure Empire (Case Study)

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If you know Sam Ovens, you would agree that he’s the one to look up to when it comes to running wildly successful Facebook ads.

Since the day I researched Sam Ovens and his consulting business, his ads kept showing up on my Facebook. And honestly, it’s hard not to notice because of the engagement his ads receive.

To show you, here’s one of his ads that got 286K reactions, 2.9K comments, and 9.3K shares…

He created this ad to promote his free webinar training which would eventually lead you to join his paid training program, Consulting Accelerator.

Without the aid of Facebook ads, it would be hard to convince prospects to check out Consulting Accelerator – let alone notice it.

Who Is Sam Ovens? (For Those Of You Who Don’t Know Him Yet)

  • He owns and he helps people who want to start their own consulting businesses.
  • His paid product, Consulting Accelerator program, created 21 millionaires and 451 people who now make six figures.
  • According to Forbes, Sam Ovens has an estimated net worth of US$65 million.

So… How Did Sam Ovens Craft His Fb Ads And Sales Funnel In A Way That Helped Him Sell At Least $20,000,000 Per Year?

In this post, we’re going to study the FB ads that Sam Ovens uses throughout his sales funnel and his notable funnel techniques. Below, you’ll see a basic diagram of his marketing funnel (which I created):

As you can see, there are two instances in which he targets prospects with FB ads:

First, when he drives awareness, interest, and traffic to his webinar opt-in page.

Second, when he convinces prospects to get the Consulting Accelerator program using retargeting ads.

1. Run FB Ads That Drive Awareness, Interest, And Traffic To Your Free Offer

If you’re interested in becoming a consultant, you’ll encounter one of Sam Ovens’ Facebook ads. Each of these ads drives you to his free webinar training. To understand them, I’ve featured 3 of his ads below with their screenshots and some insights.

Related: How to Drive Free Traffic to Your Landing Pages

Now, let’s start with his ad that got the most engagement:

At first glance, you would be overwhelmed by this lengthy 1,500-word ad copy. But despite that, why did it perform well?

[Tip #1] Write A Precise Headline

The part of his headline that reads “3 Strange Concepts That Made Me $20,000,000 by Age 27” said exactly what Sam achieved and how he did it. This clear message increased the ad’s click-through rate.

[Tip #2] Showcase Social Proof

He mentions that he’s been featured on “Forbes’ 30 under 30 list”. This boosts his prospects’ confidence in him.

[Tip #3] Share Unconventional Advice

There are 3 unique truths that dawned on Sam after he changed his thought process about life and business – (1) The Self Illusion, (2) The Mirror, and (3) Patterns Of Existence. He shares them in the ad copy.

[Tip #4] Entice Them With An Effective Call-to-Action

Don’t just rely on Facebook’s call-to-action buttons to tell your audience what to do next. The “Learn More” button, for example.

Write a call-to-action that first tells people what’s in it for them, like Sam does when he says, “I put together a free training…” then provide the link to the training.

This is another one of Sam’s Facebook ads and it features a “before and after” image of himself. Why do you think it succeeded?

[Tip #5] Tell Your Story

Though this ad is extremely lengthy in text, it tells a compelling story of how Sam faced his biggest obstacle – losing his old identity and becoming a real business owner.

People love stories about failure and success because they pass on meaningful messages.

[Tip #6] Share a Case Study That Reveals Transformation

Sam presented a short case study of one of his clients named Andrew, and how Andrew changed through his training. To back up his claim, Sam showed some numbers – that Andrew went from $17,000 to over more than $900,000.

[Tip #7] Give Practical Tips They Can Apply NOW

To help prospects get started, Sam offers 6 pieces of advice that leads them closer to their goals. Clearly, he uses the word “now” to emphasize that they can apply the tips immediately.

[Tip #8] Use Before and After Images (to some extent)

People appreciate your current disposition when they’ve seen how bad your situation used to be. Sam uses before and after pictures of himself to captivate prospects with his transformation.

This needs to be used with caution, though. Let’s say you’re promoting a gym, you can’t run an ad that shows a “not so fit person” and a fit person according to the Facebook Ad policies.

This third Sam Ovens FB ad is no different from the previous ones in that it combines long text + an image. Here’s why the ad gained over 2.2K shares:

[Tip #9] Ask Questions That Make Them Reflect

Throwing questions, even the simplest ones, call your audience’s attention and think deeper. Sam addresses his ideal prospects by asking them the question about a situation they all share.

[Tip #10] Introduce Yourself

Notice how Sam establishes his identity and credibility to his new prospects. He introduces his name, what he does, and his accomplishment. You might hesitate to be bold and honest in presenting yourself the first time, but Sam Ovens proves that it works.

[Tip #11] Present Relevant Problems Today

If you want people to pay attention, it’s critical that you research their problems. Sam didn’t only figure out the issues in the consulting space; he presents them in a numbered list for his audience to see.

[Tip #12] Include the Link to Your Free Offer More Than Once

Sam reminds his audience to check out his webinar by including the link twice in the ad copy. Use this simple technique to remind your prospects about the most important action they should do. 

[Tip #13] Comment to Engage and Entice Your Prospects

One commenter had some doubts about Sam Ovens’ consulting. He responds to ease her doubts and at the same time, uses the opportunity to invite her to the free webinar training.

Check out the actual post which he used to comment. Notice that at the bottom of the post, is the link to the webinar:

[Tip #14] Target The Right Audience

It goes without saying that none of the above would work if Sam would target the wrong audience, which is why your ad targeting is still one of the most important parts of your campaign.

If you want to successfully target your audience as Sam Ovens does, you need to stop making 3 mistakes and start following a proven targeting solution. 

Get our recommended targeting formula here (for free, no catch!)

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on the topic of your Facebook ads on one thing. For Sam Ovens, everything is about his consulting business – his past, how he turned his life around, and what’s his business about.
  • Don’t depend on the Facebook’s CTA button to drive people to act on your offer. Sam Ovens includes links to his webinar within his FB ad copy.
  • Don’t be afraid to use pictures of yourself as your FB ad image, especially if you are offering your own services. This puts a face to your brand.
  • Provide a lot of value in your ad copy regardless of its length. Sam Ovens writes over 1k words but the content doesn’t lull readers at all. Instead, it invites them to click further.

2. Create A High-Converting Landing Page

Whether you offer a free webinar as your lead magnet or use another lead magnet, make sure to feature it on a kick-ass landing page.

That landing page is where you send people to from your Facebook ad – instead of a home page. A landing page is most effective in converting your audience because it’s focused on one objective.

Sam Ovens, though effective at attracting people to his webinar landing page, doesn’t end there. He crafts the landing page in a way that drives them further down his sales funnel.

This is where he leads all his FB ads audience to:

I noted 10 winning aspects of his webinar landing page:

[Tip #1] Write a Clear Main Headline

His main headline “EXCLUSIVE Free Training From Sam Ovens” conveys what prospects will get the moment they read it. He also uses two of marketing’s most powerful words “exclusive” and “free”.

Like Sam, keep your main headline short and catchy.

Related: 10 Tools to Improve Your Landing Page Headlines

[Tip #2]  Write a Supporting Headline That Further Explains the Main Headline

After seeing the short and catchy main headline, prospects want to learn more. This is where you explain things further using a supporting headline.

The supporting headline, “How I Get 30-50 High Ticket Coaching And Consulting Clients Every Single Month With Predictability Down To The Dollar And Day” shows you the kind of results you gain by joining the free webinar training.

[Tip #3] Repeat the Main Headline in the Copy

The same copy used in the main headline shows up once more, above the list of bullet points which are benefit statements. You can do the same to draw attention to your bullet point list.

[Tip #4] Create a Bullet Point List That Answers “WIIFM?”

Sam’s bullet point list uses the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) factor in marketing. Each bullet point on your landing page should tell prospects what’s in it for them.

To make this effective, try to research the common problems they have.

Take a look at Sam Ovens’ bullet point list and notice they seek to address problems shared by his ideal audience – deciding on a niche and designing an effective funnel.

[Tip #5] Create a Killer Call-To-Action Button

That big green button that says, “YES! RESERVE MY SEAT NOW” is impossible to miss because of the following reasons:

  • The button uses a contrasting color so that it stands out against the white background.
  • The CTA button copy tells you exactly what to do right away – reserve your seat (or else it’ll be taken by somebody else).
  • It uses the word “NOW” to create a sense of urgency.
  • A first-person point-of-view (the word “MY”) made the message more personal.
  • Take advantage of a button size that’s big enough to be noticed immediately, without being overpowering.
[Tip #6] Place a Backup Message Under Your CTA Button If People Don’t Act Now

Underneath the button is another message “100% FREE – Next Class Is Starting TODAY!” that gives prospects the option to attend the webinar at another time if they can’t make it right away.

[Tip #7] Feature a Video That Creates an Instant Personal Connection and Is Optimized for Silent Viewers

Including a video of yourself on your landing page means that people get to see and hear you. This helps prove that you are a real person and allows you to engage prospects for few minutes.

Notice that Sam Ovens’ video doesn’t make a sound. Instead, it gives you the option to listen to it or read the subtitle, which is great for learners who’d rather read.

[Tip #8] Use Social Proof

Do you ever buy something online without getting some feedback about it first? Most likely your answer is no. Social proof can turn suspicious prospects into qualified leads, and this is why Sam uses it on the landing page.

Right beside the Facebook “like” button, he features how many people have liked the webinar.

As you scroll further down the page, you see another form of social proof which are testimonials from his real clients.

If you click on the link “Here’s Proof,” it leads you to a video where the client talks about how his/her life transformed because of Sam’s coaching.

[Tip #9] Include a Brief Overview That Establishes Yourself as an Authority

Sam shows that he is an expert in his field by writing a 130-word overview that…

  • Reveals his success story – what his situation used to look like and what he achieved now. Sam shows how much he made and in what span of time.
  • Entices you with his success formula – you’re offered a free opportunity to start achieving the same results right away.
  • Implies exclusivity – his training that’s valued at $6,000 – $36,000 will be available to you for free – but at a limited time. It’d be hard not to want in after reading “Register now before this is taken offline in the next few days.

Another thing I observed about this section is the inclusion of power words and phrases:

  • Free
  • Right now/Now
  • Cuts right to the chase (another way of saying “straightforward”)
  • Quickly
  • Sam usually charges $6,000 – $36,000 (a more tangible way of saying “premium”)
[Tip #10] Include the Same CTA Button Below the Fold

The exact same CTA button and short text beneath it were repeated at the bottom of the webinar sign-up page.

Prospects need more than one exposure, even multiple exposures before they act. And this is exactly why you should give them a chance to convert by adding a second CTA button.

3. Acknowledge Their Action And Make Them Feel Special On A Thank You Page

Notice that Sam Ovens leads prospects directly to another page, a “thank you” page, after entering their email address to join his webinar training.

Think of a thank you page as the check-out line at the grocery. People are close to getting the offer but they can still back out.

Here’s a breakdown of the 4 elements that make Sam’s thank you page hook prospects further:

1. A short but catchy headline that tells prospects they’ve accomplished something – “Congratulations… You’ve been registered!

2. 5-minute explainer video that starts off with “Thanks again for registering for the consulting webinar. You’ve made an awesome decision…” – this is one of the times in your life when you’re acknowledged for an important action.

3. To ensure that people grasp the full information of his webinar, Sam puts 4 reminders. The first 3 being instructions to maximize their experience. The fourth one is a gift/bonus “free workbook” if they show up early.

4. On the right side of Sam’s explainer video is a vertical box that features all the important details of his webinar. As you can see, Sam puts the following:

  • Heading to feature the main presenter and webinar topic: “Sam Ovens – How to start your own consulting business fast!
  • Schedule of the webinar – day, date, and time
  • Names of presenters in the webinar – Sam Ovens and his executive assistant Sarah Brudnicki
  • Two options where people can access the webinar – URL or button
  • Option to be reminded of the webinar – calendar or SMS

The Takeaway:

Create a thank you page that tells your audience how much you appreciate the step they took to get your offer. And now that they’re close to having it, write down some steps they can follow to maximize your offer. Feature the details of your offer (a schedule if it’s a webinar) and lastly, bribe them with free stuff if they consume it. This increases the value of the offer itself.

4. The Countdown Timer That Builds Hype Around Your Free Offer

Countdown timers meant to spark excitement and extra conversions. Usually, a marketer features a timer on the landing page to make prospects act fast.

But here, Sam features a countdown timer to indicate that his webinar is about to start. As a viewer, you would put everything down to sit and watch the webinar instead of putting it off to another day.

Sam takes things to the next level by featuring a 3-minute video where he congratulates prospects once more and reminds them what to do to get the most out of the webinar experience – turn off their phones, close the rest of the tabs, etc.

Pro Tip:

If your free offer happens to be a webinar, combine a countdown timer and video right before the webinar starts. A video entertains and prevents people from feeling impatient. This also gives you the opportunity to leave final reminders.

5. The Free Offer That Lives Up To Its Promise, Goes Above And Beyond Prospects’ Expectations, And Makes Them Say “YES! I WANT MORE”

It’s no secret that giving away free stuff makes you a winner. When people receive something so good at no cost, they’re compelled to return the favor by buying.

Sam’s free webinar training is so good that people stick to the end for 2 hours.

Here’s a glimpse of his webinar:

At the start of the webinar, Sam introduces who he was back them. This clearly resonated with the audience who were struggling to start their own consulting business.

You’ll notice a chat box on the right side of the screen where Sarah, Sam’s assistant, answers all your questions.

I actually went through the entire webinar myself and noticed some great points:

  • It mentions clear steps that you apply immediately to start a consulting business.
  • Sam repeatedly tells his audience to wait until the end of the webinar to get their workbook.
  • The webinar delivers instant gratification. It gives practical advice that prospects can apply right away to start their consulting journey.
  • As a webinar participant, you’d feel valued. Sam addresses your common objections so that you know there is a remedy for your situation.
  • You’re encouraged to participate in some exercises such as discovering your niche, etc.

At the end of the webinar, Sam takes prospects to a sales page where he features his paid product, the Consulting Accelerator.

The sales page has all the factors that spark conversions

  • Clear and persuasive headline
  • Images of the training materials
  • Overview of the modules
  • Seal of guarantee
  • Video testimonials and star ratings
  • FAQ section
  • Live chat option so you can ask questions
  • Call to action button to join the Consulting Accelerator

…But because Sam delivered a free offer that’s SUPERB, the sales page further reinforces the quality of his product.

The Takeaway:

Create one free offer that’s so great. Whether it’s a webinar or PDF guide, it should be the thing that closes the deal. Ease prospects’ frustrations. Let them see their desired future. Be available (chat) to address their concerns. Lastly, lead prospects to a winning sales page so they can take the ultimate step – buy your product.

5. Run Facebook Retargeting Ads That Win More Customers

Some business owners stop after they’ve led prospects to the sales page. This creates a “dead end” because not everyone buys the first time.

This is why Sam Ovens succeeds at FB ads… He uses them the second time around to bring his webinar attendees back. Below, let’s study two of Sam Ovens Facebook ads he uses for retargeting.

This is an interesting retargeting ad because it uses a subtle way of leading prospects back to your product. Sam does it well. Here’s why…

[Tip #1] Thank People for Their Recent Action

A useful technique to remind prospects of their recent participation or download (depending on your free offer), is to thank them. Sam starts off by thanking people for joining the webinar.

[Tip #2] Create a Follow up “Free and Exclusive” Offer

I call this technique the follow-up free and exclusive offer because, in the Facebook ad, you offer something valuable to those who got your first free offer (webinar).

Sam starts off by thanking people for joining the webinar. Then he goes right into mentioning an exclusive piece of content (36-minute video training) that got results for over 3K people.

If you click on the link, you’ll be taken to the page where you can watch the exclusive video training. Scroll down the page and behold, a CTA button that says “Join Consulting Accelerator” which leads to the sales page.

Can you guess what every Facebook retargeting ad needs to get better results?

Stop using the same ad old techniques… what you need is social proof. Sam uses a social proof ad with great copy.

[Tip #3] Use Testimonial Videos in a Carousel Format

Sam uses the carousel format so that several videos are featured in one ad. His audience can conveniently play each video to see real 5 clients talk about their experience.

Related: Small Tricks to Gather Customer Testimonials to Achieve the Best Facebook Ad Results

[Tip #4] Spark a “Can-Do” Attitude

Even though the video testimonials say a lot about the Consulting Accelerator, this ad copy summarizes what clients have accomplished – if you prefer reading.

The copy conveys that there is no maximum age limit to join the Consulting Accelerator program, and that results can be achieved in a short time. 

When you click through the link…

Sam doesn’t lead prospects directly to the sales page. Instead, he takes them to a social proof page that surprises you with his complete collection of video testimonials:

And as you can see above the fold is the CTA button which now leads to the sales page.

The Takeaway:

Retargeting Facebook ads are a useful tactic for reminding prospects to complete their purchase. These ads lower the cost of acquiring people in the first place. But for your retargeting ads to be effective, don’t shove your product in their face… deliver more value and show social proof.

Here’s a FREE VIDEO TRAINING where I reveal 3 targeting mistakes you should stop making + a PRICELESS FORMULA to capture your FB ad audience spot on. 

10 Key Takeaways From Sam Ovens Facebook Ads and Sales Funnel Techniques

1. Respond to people’s comments on your ads. Don’t just spark more engagement; use commenting to encourage them to check out your free offer.

2. Create multiple ads so people don’t get blind to your messages. Sam Ovens shows a different ad each time when driving awareness and bringing people back to the sale.

3. The length of the ad copy is not an indicator of FB ads success – because Sam Ovens uses lengthy copies. But one thing is true, his copy isn’t fluff.

4. Prospects don’t necessarily follow a linear path to buying. As a business owner, engage them at multiple points. Use extra free offers or bonuses (as with Sam’s free workbook and additional video training) that ultimately lead them to your product.

5. Sprinkle marketing power words on the ads and landing pages of your sales funnel. Sam uses free, now, quickly, straightforward, and premium. The right words can trigger desirable behaviors.

6. On your landing pages, don’t be afraid to include the same CTA button twice – above the fold and below the fold.

7. On your FB ad, add 1-2 links to your landing page. These links will serve as alternative gateways prospects can take – if they don’t click the ad’s CTA button.

8. Sam uses a countdown timer once – right before the webinar starts. Choose the best opportunity to display a countdown timer to create a sense of urgency. But like Sam, use it sparingly. There are other ways to create urgency such as the word NOW or TODAY.

9. Nothing beats a free offer with massive value. Get your free offer right and this will greatly influence how prospects perceive your product.

10. Follow Sam’s way of using social proof to generate conversions. Mention people or notable companies that mention you, feature testimonial videos and star ratings wherever possible.

What’s your biggest take away from this case study?