ATTENTION: Small & Medium Business Owners
How I Get 6.7X ROAS with
Facebook Ads Consistently…
(And How YOU Can Do The Same
Using This Unique Strategy)
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“Could This Be The Easiest Strategy To...
Run Facebook Ads To Get New Customers... Profitably?”
How did I turn $1,151 into $7,955 with an “upgraded” strategy?

This Same Strategy Seems To Be Generating A Spike Of New & High-Value Customers For Any Facebook Advertiser Who Tries It…

YES! I WANT “RETARGETING MACHINE” RIGHT NOW!This offer EXPIRES when the countdown timer below hits zero — don’t miss it!
If you’re in a saturated market with lots of competitors…
It might feel daunting to run ads on Facebook.
But I have good news for you:
Facebook Ads is a numbers game.
While we all use Facebook Ads to get new customers and make sales...
It’s not just about getting customers…
It’s about getting them profitably! 💰
The higher the profits on every dollar spent on Facebook Ads, the more a business owner will invest in ads to beat the competition, win the best customers, and make the most revenue…
It’s no secret that…
Running “Retargeting Ads” Is One Of The Surefire Ways To Get A Steady Flow of New Customers
Yet most business owners still don't know how to REALLY leverage those retargeting ads.
Despite the fact that it’s been around for years, most advertisers still fall prey to a few common retargeting mistakes
- They either show the same-old ads to everyone who’ve visited their site.
- They try to go ninja-style by overcomplicating things with all kinds of "smart funnels" while ignoring the most important part.
- They trust the “pixel” to do the job right (which between you and me, it doesn't!)
On this page, I’m gonna show you how to avoid these mistakes and share my “upgraded” retargeting strategy to build a profitable retargeting machine for your business without complexity or overwhelm.
I’m NOT Your Typical Online “Guru” or “Expert”

Some people call me a "Facebook ads wizard" because I’ve spent over $2 million of my own money on it and I’ve been running a TON of experiments to see what works and doesn't work.
I’ve also helped 20,000+ clients get a higher ROI from their Facebook Ads. You may know some of my clients, such as Mike Filsaime, Nicholas Kusmich and many others.
Having said that, I’m NOT your typical “ads guru” -- as I’ll explain in the next few paragraphs.
I'm just a “marketing nerd” who loves Facebook Ads.
Although, I’m not going to lie… I did secretly enjoy it when listed me as a “top Facebook expert”. 😂

Obviously I didn't start out like that.
There were a LOT of failed attempts before I got Facebook Ads to work, but that's a story for another day.
Something I did know from the beginning was that most people don't buy right away -- they need multiple touch points before they like you, trust you, and buy from you.
Which is why retargeting is so important.
By showing ads to people who left my site without purchasing, I was able to convert some of them into customers.
That's where I made some of my biggest mistakes.
Mistakes that most advertisers, even to this day, are still making. 😞
My Biggest Mistake Was Running “Good” Retargeting Ads
That sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it?
Let me explain:
I was simply running ads that reminded people of my offer along with some social proof.
After a bit of tweaking and testing, my retargeting campaigns were profitable AND I was a happy camper -- in fact, I felt like the next Bill Gates for a minute. 😀
That’s because they were somewhat profitable, I assumed my ads were good…
But you know what they say about good right?

Good is the enemy of great.
Jim Collins

This is such a crucial mistake...
I Call This The “Retargeting Trap”
That’s because it's relatively easy to get somewhat of an ROI on your retargeting campaigns.
Instead of pushing you to design and run GREAT retargeting campaigns that convert unlike anything else…
These quick and early wins make you feel good and you start to think you’ve done enough…
If you're running ads to remind people about your offer, show them social proof, or perhaps add in the occasional discount... odds are you're making this mistake as well without even realizing it. 🙁
I know I did.
My Retargeting Campaigns Would Perform A LOT Better With A Couple Of Changes
I still remember when it first hit me…
One of my friends had visited my site and showed me his phone with MY retargeting ad on his newsfeed.
Knowing him, I immediately recognized that this particular retargeting ad would've NEVER convinced him to make a purchase -- even if he would see it a hundred times.
It simply wasn't the right message for him.
That's when I realized I needed to drastically change my retargeting ads. 🤔
And being the nerd that I am, I went all-in.
I started back at square one.
I (re)read a lot of psychology books, studied everything there is to know about consumer behavior, and spent probably over $50,000 on courses and masterminds...
Then I started creating retargeting campaigns in
a completely new way. 💡
And the results were promising.
As you may have seen at the top of this page…
I Turned $1,151 Into $7,955 Using My New & Upgraded Retargeting Ad Strategy

Of course, once I discovered how to get new customers profitably…
I DIDN’T stop there…
I did it again:

And again:

And once again:

Once you have a “retargeting machine” like this one…
It becomes a breeze to generate new customers profitably in almost any business…
...WITHOUT being highly experienced in marketing or Facebook Ads.
...and WITHOUT changing anything else in your funnel.
That’s right -- you only need to tweak the one part of your funnel (i.e. retargeting ad campaigns).
Putting this into work is quick and easy.
So you can have your own “Retargeting Machine” in 7 days or less…
And you'll discover every step of structuring and executing your “Retargeting Machine” in my brand-new training...

The “Retargeting Machine” is my 7-day playbook to create highly profitable retargeting campaigns.
Don’t be mistaken though.
The Retargeting Machine is NOT another course…
- It’s NOT a 21-hour Facebook Ads video course teaching you nothing but theory
- It’s NOT a screencast of how to use the Ads Manager which will get outdated shortly
- It’s NOT a bunch of untested tactics that some online gurus wish were working
It’s a PROVEN set of strategies and action steps…
Which I discovered “in the trenches” as a direct result of spending my own money, time, and resources to grow my own businesses using Facebook Ads.
It's a fast & actionable 7-day implementation plan for business owners to make sure they've got a winning retargeting campaign in place -- no matter their previous experience.
Want to get more clients & sales using online ads?
If so, then you probably need this.
My guess is that you might have tried retargeting before (if not, you really should! It's the low hanging fruit for almost any business out there) and if my previous results are any indication, you left a LOT of opportunity on the table.
I know I did.
I've NOT taken the full potential of my retargeting ads for years.
Little did I know that without much extra effort at all AND without spending more, I could've tripled my ROI.
But no one showed me what I’m revealing in my “Retargeting
Machine” playbook.
- A 7-day execution plan so you'll know exactly what you should be working on each day. These are bitesize assignments that are VERY doable in a small amount of time.
- 12 in-depth videos that are guiding you through the implementation process, so you'll know exactly what to do each step of the way.
- An interactive mindmap giving you a summary of the entire process at a glance (or in detail, if you navigate through it) -- perfect for a quick review right before you start to plan a new retargeting campaign.
Again, this ISN’T a course or something you put on the shelf to collect dust.
It’s much more than that.
It's the closest thing possible to getting a “done-for-you” retargeting campaign that’s designed to convert.
Sounds too good to be true?
Then you might wanna meet Andrew Norton -- who said that his retargeting campaigns started to perform more than 3x better after implementing just ONE of the strategies (he didn't even have access to the complete “Retargeting Machine” playbook yet!).

This is a real game-changer! This immediately lowered my cost per sale from $11.85 to $3.78 - performing more than 3 times better compared to my other retargeting audiences.
Andrew Norton

Or Brad Stephens -- who already knew about "traditional retargeting" but discovered a whole new level that’s way more powerful…

Never before have I been able to create such specific retargeting audiences. Everyone knows the power behind retargeting but when you're able to pinpoint exactly who to retarget and why, it becomes so much more powerful.
Brad Stephens

Or Andrew Murray -- who defined his new gained knowledge as an "amazing breakthrough!"

Finally anyone can use retargeting and gain the benefits of marketing to their hyperactive customers with precision. Amazing breakthrough. Everyone needs to start using this.
Andrew Murray

Getting these comments from previous customers means the world to me... and I sincerely hope you’ll be the next one to share your wins.
So in case you’re already thinking about getting your hands on the “Retargeting Machine” playbook…
You might be wondering…
“How Much Does The Retargeting Machine Cost?”
Let me be the first to tell you this: My sole business is selling software subscriptions.
I’m the founder and CEO of two SaaS companies. I create online courses (like this one) simply because I’m a marketing nerd and I believe in lifelong learning -- this is NOT my core business.
So when it comes to online courses, I have a pretty clear pricing policy: For example, the last time I launched a course on Facebook Ads, it was priced at $497.
In fact, Retargeting Machine is probably worth even MORE considering how much money most business owners leave on the table by not taking the full advantage of their retargeting ads (again, “good is the enemy of great!”)
But today I’m NOT going to ask you to pay $497…
Thinking of the times we’re living right now as entrepreneurs all over the world, I’m willing to offer my special deal price at $197 as a marketing test…
This special price is normally reserved for my “Black Friday” campaign, yet it looks fair for these times.
But today I’m NOT going to even ask for $197 -- although I know I can.
In fact…
I’m Going To Do Something Even Crazier…
And I’m going to make this a no-brainer offer by adding a PRICELESS BONUS...
Just take a look at this:

“Steal My Tested & Proven Retargeting Ads”
In this bonus module, you get 10 of my top-performing retargeting ads -- delivered as “templates” you can swipe and deploy immediately.
(Part of me wanted to go for 11 so I could've called them "Wilco's Eleven"... but only 10 performed well enough to make the cut 😂)
Over the years, I ran hundreds of split-tests to see which retargeting ads convert best... resulting in "Wilco's 10" - the 10 retargeting ad types that convert incredibly well almost every time I use them.
All without:
- Hiring a copywriter
- Becoming a wordsmith
- Wasting money on ads that don’t work
So you don’t have to worry about what to write to attract the right people into your offer or spending your budget on ads that have little chance of being successful.
Here’s the best part:
These ad templates are designed to work for almost any business, any niche, and any offer type (whether you’re selling physical products, online courses, software subscriptions or local services…)
If you’ve tried other “ad templates” before, but couldn’t make them work for your niche or offer -- this time it’s different.
How can I be so sure?
Just look at the responses we got from out beta testers (when we asked them what they liked the most about Retargeting Machine):

Templates were great.
Pierre Thyssen

Ad templates are very helpful.
Valery Leonov

Clear instructions and fundamentals of retargeting.
Michael Markoulides

The ad copy examples were helpful.
Rob Fehr
That’s also because you’re NOT just getting 10 ad templates in a PDF…
My top copywriter also provided one or more real-life examples for each template either from my own businesses or other interesting brands in different niches selling different types of products and services.
So that you can get inspired…
PLUS I’m offering video instructions for each of the 10 retargeting ad templates showing you the best use scenarios for each and offering tips on how to easily tweak the templates for your needs.
In essence, you’ll be getting:
- My top 10 proven retargeting ad templates
- Real-life examples for each template
- Video instructions by me
This is a resource you’ll potentially be using over and over again whenever you decide to run a new retargeting campaign.
It’s just priceless.
It’s really hard to put a monetary value to this bonus module.
That’s because I paid over $3,000 to my rolodex of copywriters to get these 10 retargeting ads written.
But remember: Not every ad that my copywriters wrote were instant success stories.
They probably wrote about 30 retargeting ads (for my different products and services) before we discovered 10 retargeting ad types that repeatedly bring the highest ROI. In total, I probably paid over $10k to three different copywriters before I was able to pinpoint the ones that actually work.
Plus I spent weeks and invested probably over $20k to run these marketing tests to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Then I hired my top copywriter to turn these retargeting ad types that I use over and over again into templates that almost ANY business owner can re-use without being a talented writer. I spent $2,540 for this project.
And then my talented designer put all this into a nice PDF that’s pleasant to look and easy to use.
Let’s do the math:
I paid a little over $32,540 to get these 10 retargeting ad templates written, tested, analyzed, templatized and designed. And it’s literally the result of dozens of tests that I’ve run over the years.
And now you can get your hands on these top 10 retargeting ad templates for FREE… when you order the Retargeting Machine today!
And while these templates + examples + videos are worth MORE than the Retargeting Machine course itself…
I’m just getting started…

“Build an Audience From Scratch… Get Them to Know You and Like You!”
Don’t have an audience yet?
No worries.
In this 7-video mini-course, I reveal my best strategies, tips and tricks on building an audience for any business or niche out there…
Once you build your audience from scratch using my tested and proven strategies and tactics, then you can retarget to turn them into lifelong fans and customers.
So even if you don't have any traffic yet, I've got you covered.
- Understand the “customer journey” psychology of building audiences that consist of raving fans and lifelong customers.
- How to come up with content ideas that’ll naturally attract the right kinds of people who are most likely to say “yes” when you present your offer.
- Discover my content creation strategies that’ll put you on the map and give you recognition in your market (even if you hate writing articles or shooting videos).
I just filmed this 82-minute masterclass exclusively to go with Retargeting Machine, so you can’t find this anywhere else.
Even if you have an established audience, you wouldn’t want to skip this bonus class.
It’s essential for any small & medium business owner out there.
This is my GIFT for anyone who gets Retargeting Machine today...
That’s NOT all…
I want you to discover how to maximize your results even further...

“Take Your Retargeting Game to the Next Level By Leveraging Your Email List”
If you already have an audience AND an email list…
You're going to love this bonus training that shows how to maximize your results using the power of email retargeting.
I’ll be the first to admit:
By itself, retargeting using Facebook Ads is a game-changer for any business.
Likewise, retargeting your audience using email is one of the low-hanging fruits for any business with an email list.
But when you COMBINE these two strategies together, your competitors will have a hard time matching your results.
It’s one of those rare “1 + 1 = 4” combinations...
Whenever I got lazy and skipped this step in my retargeting campaigns, I left serious amounts of money on the table.
And whenever I used email and Facebook Ads together, my results soared.
Now you can discover the exact steps I follow to maximize my retargeting results using my email list.
- How to lower your ad costs by leveraging the potential of your existing email list (most businesses don’t use this to its fullest potential)
- 4 different ways your existing email list can help you boost the results of your retargeting campaigns (just using ONE of these strategies will help you stand out, using all four will make a difference like day and night)
- Case Study: How I generated 50% more sales using ONE strategy outlined in this bonus class
If you already have an email list, I’ll show you the exact steps to create this setup in under 7 minutes and 15 seconds.
It’s easier than you might think and you’re missing out if you’re not doing this.
This is my GIFT for anyone who gets Retargeting Machine today...
That’s NOT all…
I want you to discover how to maximize your results even further...

“15 Practical (No BS) Ways to Boost Facebook Ads ROI for Small & Medium Business Owners”
In the past 6 months alone, I generated more revenue from Facebook ads than the 5 years prior to that.
Which means…
I’ve learned a few critical strategies and timeless tactics that work “in the trenches.”
Retargeting is ONE of them.
And I have 15 more practical ways that I’d like to share with you…
This 75-minute masterclass is my ultimate Facebook Ads crash course.
- How to create better lookalike audiences?
- The little-known reason why you need at least 2 different pages to run ads (it’s easier to create pages, so this is a no-brainer for anyone)
- The “5-sec rule” that makes or breaks your ads (once I figured this out, I started producing profitable campaigns one after the other)
- One type of ad type that works like a charm for cold audiences (discover how to improve your chances of success early on)
- What to optimize your campaigns for? (There are many optimization methods that lost me money, and there are only two that ever worked for me -- discover which)
This 75-minute masterclass is my ultimate Facebook Ads crash course.
It’s basically the culmination of everything I’ve learned about running highly-profitable ad campaigns over the years (NOT by teaching about it to others, but by actually testing different things to grow my own businesses…)
If a friend were to ask my advice on running online ads and if I had less than 90 minutes, I’d go through this presentation to give him/her the best chance of creating winning campaigns as quickly as possible.
Get instant access to the recording of this special presentation for FREE by ordering “Retargeting Machine” today...
On top of all these bonuses…
“As A Way To Show Just How Serious I Am, I ’m Offering A
Full 30 Day Guarantee!”
I’m so convinced that you’ll not only LOVE the “Retargeting Machine” and all the incredible bonuses that I’m offering today… but when you implement my action steps and use my proven ad templates, you’ll be amazed at your results.
Sign up for the Retargeting Machine today, get instant access to everything I’ve listed above with ZERO RISK.
100% Money Back Guarantee

Either you love every part of this offer (both the course itself including all the bonus materials AND the results you’ll be getting) or you can send a single email to my customer support within the first 30 days of your purchase and get all your money back 100%.
I shoulder all the risk for you.
There's zero risk involved on your end.
In other words, you DON’T have to make a final decision today.
Just say “maybe” and order your copy of “Retargeting Machine” today risk-free… and if this course, ad templates, and all the bonuses aren’t what I described them to be… or if you aren’t happy with your purchase for any reason (ANY reason at all...) then it costs you nothing.
Sounds fair?
If so…
Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order Today…

The “Retargeting Machine” Playbook
- In-Depth Video Training
- 7-Day Execution Checklist
- Interactive Mindmap
- Case Studies
🔥 BONUS 1: 10 “Retargeting Ad” Templates
- Fill-In-The-Blanks Ad Templates
- Video Instructions
- Examples
🔥 BONUS 2: “Audience Building Machine” Course
🔥 BONUS 3: “Email Retargeting Machine” Course
🔥 BONUS 4: “15 ROI Boosters for Facebook Ads” Masterclass
Get It All Right Now
Only $47

YES! I WANT IT ALL RIGHT NOW!This is a LIMITED TIME offer which may be pulled anytime
You see…
Right now, you can get this entire bundle with a 94+% DISCOUNT.
That’s a $847 saving!
There Is Just One Catch!
While I’m currently offering the Retargeting Machine (plus all the bonuses listed above) at a huge discount, I’m planning to increase the price soon.
This means that if you come back to this page later on, you might see a higher price.
But this is not just fake scarcity, it’s an honest attempt to help you take action today…
That’s because…
“Every Single Day WITHOUT These Strategies Could Be Wasted Time, Energy, And Revenue...”
...for most business owners who want to grow and scale online.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
I envision something BETTER for anyone reading this page.
That’s why I’m offering the “Retargeting Machine” (plus all 4 bonuses) for a ridiculously low price of $47.
Even though it's a one-time investment, I’m pretty sure it’ll deliver an ongoing return for any business owner who gives it a try.
So I’d love to see you inside…

YES! I WANT “RETARGETING MACHINE” RIGHT NOW!This is a LIMITED TIME offer which may be pulled anytime
P.S. Look, I’m NOT going to insult anyone’s intelligence by putting an obviously fake “countdown timer” here on this page with the hopes of creating urgency.
But that doesn’t mean time isn’t ticking…
It IS ticking…
So whenever you check your ad account and look at your numbers, you might remember my words on this page about how to turn “good retargeting campaigns” into “great retargeting campaigns” by following my 7-day checklist and using my fill-in-the-blanks ad templates.